Sunday, 26 July 2009

How long has it been!?....Yeesh

yeah its been a while, but I'm going to skip the excuses and jump straight to whats new. Uni is fin, graduated a couple weeks back and I have the sexy scroll to prove it. (and a rather hideous pic of me getting "the hat" placed on my head)

Cue Hideous pic.

Since then I had an interview for Gen Up, a paid placement ran by TRC media in partnership with BBC Scotland, Channel 4 and Scottish Screen. And I'm pretty excited to tell you that me and Angela both managed to secure places as two out of 6 delegates that will be taking part in the 7 week programme.

Since not many people seem to have heard about Gen Up as its pretty new, Angela and myself have decided to write a blog during our seven weeks. So that you guys can see what we are getting upto and learn a bit more about the placement itself.

You can follow this new blog at:

Its a bit bare at the minute but we'll try to get some interesting stuff up soon once we get started on the 4th of August :)

Peep out peeps
Sea x

Saturday, 16 May 2009

My mini cards arrived today XD cannot express how happy they make me.

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

More exhibitiony stuffs.

Found out today that the posters have to be portrait so this is the revised copy :)

I also made my thumbnail icon for the interface today :)

Got mini business cards on order too :) happy days!!!

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Exhibition Poster

I also made my Exhibition poster, which will grace the walls of the Hannah Mcclure centre and whitespace very soon :)

...Pretty Chuffed with that! :)

Band Pics :P

Took some band pics today XD these guys are just too cool for school...

Wednesday, 6 May 2009


Finally its up and running.

The video for ''Lost last Summer'' is here


''Lost Last Summer''
Track written,
recorded and performed
by Second Go Lucky

Directed and Produced
by Searra (Sarah) Dodds

Sound Design by Myk Mulreany

Stage construction by Mike Dodds

Set and Prop Design by Searra (Sarah) Dodds

Puppet Design by Searra (Sarah) Dodds

Master Puppeteer - David Lewis

Assistant Puppeteers - Kenneth Hubble,
Andrew MacDonald, Sarah Morris, Euan Mclaren
and Myk Mulreany

Myk Mulreany
Angela McEwan
David Lewis
Kenneth Hubble
Sarah Morris

Special Thanks
All of the above for all their time and support <3

Maxine Dodds <3 <3

Paul Harris

Dayna Galloway

All the S.G.L boys

White Space Solutions

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Video Launch tomorrow!!!!

Right so first off, Dissertation is done wooooooohooooo! Secondly I am on scedule for getting thie music video online tomorrow afternoon, so keep your eyes peeled as I will posting the link here, on twitter and all over the place. The more hits this thing gets the better so please help me out by sending it on to as many other people as possible :) Juts to get you guys in the mood for the video release tomorrow here are some production piccys.
Behind the Camera.

Taking a rest.

During filming (yeah sorry for the crap quality :S)

Getting a well deserved drink.

-Sigh- Andy couldn't help but play with the wool. =/

There will also be some outakes up soon, and eventually there will even be a mock-u-mentary to look forward too.
Have funs =]

Friday, 24 April 2009


Yeah... its been a while. My Bad.

Excuse TIME!

Right so the great big lack of blogs lately is because I have been mega busy filming and writing my Dissertation, helping out with the HCI conference and sorting out bits and bobs for the end of year exhibition. Phew.

So what have I actually achieved? Well I have 4500+ words for my Dissertation and I'm aiming to get it done by sunday night so I can send it on to Paul and Colin for provisional marking.

On the project side of things I have finished filming and am now editing. Got about 1min 30 secs roughed out and its looking pretty nifty.

So just as a treat bellow are some stills from the video so far.

And I'll get some production pics up soon :)


Monday, 6 April 2009


So the time has come my special friends to talk of many things... like what the heck I've been upto the last little while. First off been working on the stage form my puppets, giving it a lick of paint, building a floor and I did a rough backdrop that sucked, which I'm going to re-do. I've also been building a fence and a mini wall for the second set.

My stage! looks a bit boring right now, but it will be epic soon!

Close up of the stage and the rubbish first draft of my backdrop.

My wall and fence so far. The wall was made using card and funky foam (in red!) although is not done, I am going to weather it a little and add some graffiti to it. The fence was made using matchsticks for the frame and the plastice gauze stuff from a babybell pack :P then painted silver.

The full set so far XD

close up on two of the guitars the amp and my new fence =]

Mic Close Up (still needs cables)

The set
Close up on guitar 2

Final close up of the whole lot.

So yeah thing are going well. I'm aiming to get everything fully built and ready roll by friday and then get filming knocked out next week. so I've still to:

  • Finish my wall
  • Build a corregated iron scaffold wall
  • paint my two backdrops
  • build the second base for my stage and cut arm holes in both
  • build my lighting rig
  • make hair for my 5th puppet.
  • put string on the guitars (if time allows)
  • add cables to the mic, amp and guitars (again if time allows)
  • And book equipment and the Hive for next week.

Not to bad, except I am also aiming to get to atleast 4000 words on my dissertation by friday as well :[ hmm some late nights ahead me thinks.

Monday, 30 March 2009

Hello again friends

So I haven't written on here in quite a while and I feel I should explain where the heck I've been. The Main reason for my lack of blogs has been due to a lack of working internet in my flat and since I usually post my blogs in the evening after a days work, I haven't had chance. :P

So to fill you in on what I've been upto, the week before last was spent in sunny sunny (but freezing cold) Berlin, which was amazing. I came back feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world (lets hope that feeling lasts) with the sites and sounds of Berlin still buzzing in my head.

Last week was spent trying to get a big dent into my dissertation. I'm at around 1200+ words now most of which is my introduction, But I'm hoping by the end of today to have got to the 2000 word mark. (wish me luck) By the end of this week I aim to have atleast 3500 words and then get the rest of it written next week so that I can spend the remaining weeks touching it up, adjusting the layout and focusing on my project.

As for the project side of things, I'm still working away getting the set ready for filming, which will hopefully be next week provided I can get camera equipment booked in time. Not a lot more to show you right now but I'll get pictures up as soon as theres something interesting to see.

Friday, 13 March 2009

Bass Guitar and Mic stand

Got set about making the bass guitar yesterday and decided it would be fun to actually paint the body this time (boy was that a mistake) spent half the day literally watching paint dry. I did how ever also make another guitar stand and a rather nifty mic stand which you can see below. Enjoy :)

2nd Guitar stand (it needs a lick of paint)

Microphone (need to get leads for all the instruments, hmm..)

Mic and stand

Bass Guitar
Template and first layer of our old friend "funky foam"
Starting to paint first layer of red paint
Several layers and a lot of waiting later, the starburst effect was added.
(this was achieved by stippling black paint around the edge of the body in towards the centre)

Finished effect, along with the fretboard added and some other detail stencilled on the body.

Finished Guitar (so far) it still needs a lick of varnish to add shine and some more detail added to the fret board and body. It also needs a strap.

Today's plan is to sort the above mentioned issues and find a subtle way to get a wood effect on the head and necks of all three guitars and also start working on back drop number one. May also paint my stage (if I have time)

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Some puppet shinannigans...

Aloha. So today has been another productive day, I made a 2nd guitar and I've started building an amp. I even got bored and got a buddy to try testing out the puppets with the instruments and recorded a couple of short .avi's.
I felt that my last blog didn't really show the steps taken for making the guitar and drums, so I've broken this one down a bit more so you can see the guitar and amp actually forming :)
The 2nd Guitar
building it up with "funky foam" (heck knows why its named that?)

"paint" ( just fancy patterned paper)

scratch plate (metal effect card)

fret board (black paper)

just some personalised detail :p (what can I say the girl likes butterflies)

adding the frets (sticker set from rejects)

adding the bridge (same sticker set as above)

adding the inlay (another sticker set)

almost complete (welllll bar the wood and strings)

The Amp

basic template

putting it together

adding deffinition with yet more "funky foam"

with some buttons (sorry for the crappy quality, light was stupidly bright for some reason :S)
The top part was made entirely from "funky foam" (yey) the whole thing painted black and the front panel silver.

The full set so far

....and since I was waffling about avi's here they are :P enjoy!

